Low-profile tires : advantages and disadvantages.

low-profile tires - buy or not?In theory, the term rubber service with a low profile, must comply with the usual bus. However, it can become more susceptible to all kinds of damage, especially in case of driving at low pressure and high load. for example, abrasions on the edge of the curb or other obstacles at high speed can accelerate the deterioration of low-profile tires. Specialists from the online store Avtorezer , helped us parse the question and understand what factors affect the service life and what are the pros and cons of using a low-profile rubber.

another factor, which is important in case of wear of the tires with low profile this style of driving and the nature of the driver's driving. Tires with a low profile, often used for sports riding, where the manufacturer, wanting to meet customer needs, It provides good adhesion of tires.

Currently, there are low-profile tires, made of certain technology, which enables driving, at the lowest pressure in the tire.

Pros low-profile rubber.

Some people buy tires with low profile only because of its appearance. But from the point of view of piloting, the main reason for which is necessary to use a low profile is handling at high speed. Low-profile tires mogzhet provide better grip and responsiveness due to the fact that she turns wider . Low profile can reduce the braking distance, It is very important , especially when driving fast.

Cons low profile tires.

Almost every vehicle to the presence of low-profile tires, Riding seem more severe, than conventional tires. Will be felt all the bumps and road distortion. Low profile tires are less suited for snowy weather, since they provide much less grip on snowy surfaces.

From a practical point of view, a low profile is not ideal. The main disadvantages of low-profile tires is low ride comfort, but also with a low profile have a negative effect on the wear of all elements of the suspension. If you use must not forget that these tires, that increases the probability of damage to the rim of aluminum alloys, for which they often put . Getting the wheel in a pothole, Low profile not save from damage.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the best one is naybolee tire selection specialist .

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