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НикаГБО – установка и обслуживание ГБО.

НикаГБО - установка и обслуживание ГБО.

The whole truth about the LPG equipment and the hazards to vehicle. Guidelines for choosing installers. GBS auto photo

Probably, each of motorists sooner or later asks, is it worth putting HBO to your car? That's what I once thought about such a decision. After a long study of the topic made for myself concluded, that putting gas on your car is very dangerous as for yourself, same for your car. And all why? Because I read all sorts of articles on the Internet that gas is harmful to a car, directly to the engine and it is also very dangerous due to cases of cylinder explosions.

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Over time, in about a year or two, I returned to this topic, tk. a very large number of people, for a reason that is not clear to me, they use HBO at their own peril and risk and are very pleased with it. Deciding to delve into the study of manufacturers and the gas itself, I found a lot of interesting things in articles on chemical compositions (dug so deep) и о том какие тестирования проходят баллоны и почему же ходят слухи о их взрывах.

Для начала вам так же стоит определится с поколением устанавливаемого ГБО на ваш автомобиль:

Here is an example table of exhaust toxicity, from which it is also possible to draw conclusions about the composition of each type of fuel :

Based on this table, we conclude that the gas is much cleaner at the stage of exit from the engine and much cleaner than its ignition in the engine cylinders. То есть при работе двигателя на газу внутри остается меньше всяческих нагаров и подобных вещей, а значит двигатель служит дольше.

Важной частью этой темы является вопрос экологии, everything is very logical, более чистые выхлопы – значит улучшение мировой экологии. Let me not become a fighter for the environment, but still could feel to some extent, a person who cares about our mother nature.

I would like to remind you that in Europe gas is supplied primarily for the sake of the environment and only then for the sake of saving money.

Back to the topic of balloons, so here, as it turned out, the cylinder should be produced by a good manufacturer, который изготовил баллон изуказанных в нормах видов метала и прошел все тестирования на аварийность. В таком случае даже в самой суровой аварии он не взорвется нипри каких условиях, and the maximum is jump out from where it is installed.

And the most important thing in the final decision to install HBO, this is the choice of the service station. It is in most cases that all sorts of rumors and myths appear because of all sorts of unfortunate installers, that spoil the reputation of professional HBO installers. It is they who, because of their lack of education or laziness,, install elements that are not of high quality or not intended for HBO, often hack, after which it is necessary to finish and redo their work by other people whom you contact.

That's why I recommend STO NikaGBO, which since 2000 has been engaged in the installation of gas-balloon equipment for years. They provide all guarantees for the equipment installed by them, which, by the way, is being brought to them directly from Europe. Using their services, you will forever forget about the ever-tormenting questions or problems of the car.. Высококвалифицированные работники всегда позаботятся о вашем авто и ответят на любые интересующие вас вопросы.

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