IT News

Netflix heralds the end of the cache

Netflix предвещает конец кэширования

Интернет-телевидение уже сейчас потихоньку начинает выталкивать с рынка свой традиционный вариант, and if not for a slow or unstable Internet connection, this process would be much faster. Network operators say they do, that can, to fix it, but users are not able yet to assess progress. Netflix decided, it's time to take matters into their own hands.

"In ten or twenty years, all films will be viewed through the Internet" – смело сказал Рид Хастингс, генеральный директор Netfliksa в этом году во время MWC. To what happened, need to be addressed - caching. Especially in mobile devices.

Netflix already uses tools, designed to enhance the smoothness of video playback on smartphones and tablet devices, and plans an even more ambitious. continue, apparently, work on the encoder, which provide users with high quality images even in low speed Internet. What's the secret?

To eliminate breaks buffering developers Netfliksa using artificial intelligence techniques, which analyzes each frame of the film and, possibly, compresses it so, to the loss of quality (and, first of all, focus) It was virtually undetectable. The system, called Dynamic Optimizer can supposedly provide images with very close in quality source code but twice less Internet bandwidth.

Above Dynamic Optimizer for a long time work Netfliksa IT professionals and scientists from University of Southern California and the University of Nantes. The algorithm is improved, implementation is planned in "the coming months".

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