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Samsung QLED on TV that will look

Samsung adds to the set of a TV QLED Internet TV service package 3 or 6 months.

Samsung is already taking orders for TVs with its flagship series QLED. In addition to the device itself sends customers as Elite Smart Pack - a unique set of, through which the audience will enjoy the excellent content.

Elite Smart Pack is a package, with which users of TVs Samsung QLED get access to five services Internet TV. One of them within six months, users will be able to watch hundreds of movies and TV series hosted on the service HBO GO. What else do they get?

A six-month subscription to: sports service ELEVEN SPORTS, filled with new and old movies and FilmBox Live full movie, сериалов и телевизионных программ – VOD Player. To access the user will have to just go to the stock page, register your product and activate the code.

"You are a fan of movies and TV series? Or maybe, you love to follow the wrestling on the big screen and in excellent quality? Now with the new TV QLED, you get more. Due to Elite Smart Pack as a gift you get access to the best emotions "- stated by the manufacturer.

Samsung promises, that soon similar (although somewhat more modest) пакеты получат покупатели телевизоров Samsung Premium ultra-hd и UHD с нынешнего предложения.

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