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What to look for when buying a used iPhone?

Apple products aren't the cheapest, и зачастую единственный способ купить их по действительно выгодной цене – это выбрать бывшую в употреблении модель. It is worth noting, what about the exit 13 iPhones, even top-end used models have dropped significantly in price, eg, iPhone 11 bu in installments can be purchased for 13 000.this iPhone photo

Но… Покупая подержанный iPhone, we often think, that we get excellent equipment at a good price. Unfortunately, a lot of unscrupulous sellers, Therefore, such a purchase is fraught with great risk.. In today's article, we will tell, What to Look for Before Buying a Used iPhone.

IMEI iPhone

first, What to Check Before Buying an iPhone, this is his IMEI number. Knowing it, you can see the history of the phone. You can find out, is the smartphone listed as stolen, lost or blocked due to non-payment of invoices. To check the IMEI number, just enter the code 06 или перейдите в Настройки – Общие – Это устройство. If buying online, ask the seller to send a photo of the smartphone screen with IMEI.

In the phone settings we can also find the serial number of the phone. To get information about the history of a given iPhone, just use the IMEI Pro website. However, it is worth remembering, that the site does not guarantee 100% correctness of results. Then check, does the IMEI number match the number on the box and on the smartphone body.

iCloud lock

Служба «Найти iPhone» в iCloud – особая функция iOS, which allows you to find a missing phone and remotely block it in case of theft. iCloud Active Lock prevents you from wiping your phone and activating it with a new ID without providing the previous user's credentials.

Unfortunately, in many auctions you can find offers for cheap iPhones with active iCloud lock. 99% таких смартфонов – это украденные устройства, which cannot be turned on Therefore, before buying an iPhone, you should check, Does the phone have an active lock?. To do this, just go to and enter IMEI (or serial) number. The site will inform you if the device has an active lock..

Sim-Lock - blocking within a certain country / networks

If the iPhone of interest has a simlock, removing it won't be a big problem, but it is an additional cost, should take them into account. also note, that the problem will be much more serious, if the phone is brought from abroad. Unfortunately, it's not the only risk, related to the purchase of a foreign iPhone. It may also turn out, that the device is adapted to work in other LTE bands, which will make it difficult or impossible to use mobile Internet in our country.

Replaced display

Если iPhone попал в “аварию” и ему заменили экран, you can easily check it. Chinese replacements are clearly different in quality and color from the original parts.. If the LCD screen does not match perfectly with the camera and body, you can be sure, that this smartphone was repaired.

flooded phone

To check, Has the iPhone been in contact with liquid?, just remove the SIM card and check the color of the flood sensor. If it's red, it means the phone is full. White means, that the phone has not come into contact with liquid

Check Battery Status

Аккумулятор – одна из самых важных частей телефона, and at the same time the most subject to rapid wear and tear.. As for its capacity, there is no need to believe the seller's statements. It is much better to ask him to install a diagnostic application and send a photo with the result of the current battery consumption and the number of charges. You can also check it yourself in your phone settings.

Оригинальные аксессуары – мелочь, but it's important!

the, that the seller does not even offer a charger and headphones for the iPhone, at best proves his sloppiness, and at worst, что телефон был украден или “потеряшка”. The absence of the first addition will create a special problem.. Chinese cheap substitutes usually do not have adequate protection, and their use may result in fire.. Buying an original accessory costs several tens of dollars. (excluding delivery), What must be added to the budget for the purchase of equipment.

Подержанный iPhone – оно того стоит?

B / у iPhone – преимущества:

  1. lower price
  2. No additional fees
  3. Tested Equipment
  4. Possibility to check phone

B / у iPhone – недостатки:

  1. No warranty
  2. Worse parameters and equipment
  3. Weaker battery
  4. Risk
  5. Appearance


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