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Microsoft Build 2016: The main theses of the conference

Build 2016The virtual reality, New features of Skype, Compatibility with Linux and a great upgrade Windows 10, это лишь некоторые тезисы, presented at the Microsoft Build conference 2016. What do we know about the future of such products?

30 March, San Francisco began the annual day of Microsoft, ie conference Microsoft Build. The giant from Redmond has presented their latest ideas and brought the future of the main products. Here are the basic facts, we learned about.

jubilee update: Bash с Лиуксом для Windows 10

Windows has long been a monopolist in the market for PC operating systems. All other OS is actually secondary. But this does not mean, Microsoft is resting on its laurels. Windows 10, which is already installed 270 millions of users, soon wait for a free upgrade, называемое Anniversary Update. What is new, it will?

Cortana is a priority

The conference participants did not hide, that Microsoft likes to virtual assistants. And we are not talking about the good old extensions of Office editions, а о Cortana. among the functions, to be provided called the indefinite future, in particular, purchase event tickets and autonomous actions, taken on the basis of user calls.

Virtual reality glasses: HoloLens

HoloLens device, that Microsoft wants to get ahead and Oculus PSVR. The technology must combine virtual reality with the extended. Shortly speaking, spectacles HoloLens will allow users to interact with images in the real world. The equipment is designed to work with Windows 10, и уже сейчас доступно разработчикам.

Skype, превращает голос в текст

Integrating Skype with key Microsoft products lasts a long time. The new version of the device must be connected to Cortana. The most interesting innovation is the function call transcription. Все сказанные слова будут автоматически превращаться в текст. Skype также должно попасть в HoloLens.

Xbox One has not lost PS4

Microsoft не довольна серебряной медалью в гонке консолей. A new idea for a victory over Sony is the unification of the console and PC. Xbox-s will finally compatible with Windows applications. The company at the conference gave carte blanche to developers, to create appropriate games and programs.

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