IT News

Designated collection of solid waste

On construction sites or public accommodation shall be provided with containers, for the collection of municipal solid waste, с учетом возможности их сегрегации.

container yard

Urban waste collection points

Mostly, referred to, can be:

Between pick-up points referred to above and a place for garbage trucks travel lane should be made for the easy movement of containers on own wheels or on carriages. It should also be borne in mind that the space for the collection of municipal solid waste in apartment buildings should be accessible to people with disabilities.

Clearance in urban areas

container yard

Fencing for the bunker must be at least 10 meters from the doors and windows of buildings with rooms destined for human habitation, and at least 3 m from the border with neighboring private property.

In the case of renovation of existing buildings, distances referred above may be reduced, but not by more than half, naturally only after obtaining the approval of the state sanitary inspector.

The privately owned may be reduced distances, that is, from the windows and doors of the 3 m, from the boundary of the land before 2 m, а также в закрытом защитном ограждении или помещений, on the border of land, if the border, with the same devices in the area adjacent, or on the demarcation line from the street.

Distance containers locations for solid waste should not be more than 80 m from the farthest entrance to the serviced apartment building apartment block.


In the territories of countryside not use containers for solid waste, intended for periodic emptying, provided their location at least 10 m from windows and doors.

Tanks used in rural areas should have a cover that will protect the litter from heavy rains. As their location should be laid track for easy movement of containers on wheels to assenizatornoy machines.

In the countryside in the case of apartment buildings location of containers for collecting solid urban wastes similar conditions and is not less than 10 meters away from windows and doors but no more 80 m.

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