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МегаКредит – самый лояльный автоломбард Киева

Hasty decisions have led to a decrease in income and the need for additional financing business? Scheduled magnificent wedding? Life situations requiring a lot of tidy sum. The bank refused to credit and you are in a difficult situation? It comes to the rescue Mega Loan, Kiev Pawnshop, which will give you some money on bail cars, подробнее смотрите здесь

Car loan at a pawn shop

Pawnshop – учреждение предоставляющее money loan the security vehicle. Many benefits services, take at least the absence of the need to provide information on income. The key to a limited property right, the owner also continues to use his car, but can not sell.

There are two types Pawnshop:

The second type is the company Mega Loan. It should be recognized, This approach suits the majority of customers, in fact it makes no inconvenience to the schedule. This is especially important to customers working in the car. Receive fast money в компании Мега Кредит можно по телефону 097 902-54-67.

Advantages of Mega Credit

Many wonder, where to get the money urgently? Ответ очевиден – компания Мега Кредит. Laying the car owner can count on the amount of 40-50% of the market value.

Car cost is evaluated by specialists of pawnshop has special diagnostic equipment. This allows you to quickly define all the formalities and to sign a contract.

Most pawn shops give loans for a period 30 days, Mega loan provides money for up to two years.

A responsibility

While the service is friendly, suitable only responsible borrowers. Тщательный анализ финансовых возможностей позволяет быть уверенным в возможности вовремя вернуть полученные деньги. Sometimes you can hear reviews, supposedly this is predatory lending. Such rumors are spreading irresponsible customers.


Low interest rates, длительный срок кредитования – главные преимущества услуг автоломбарда Мега Кредит. In-house staff can quickly determine the market value and the amount of credit. Единственное замечание – ответственность клиента. Return money on time will avoid penalties. Below you can get acquainted with the satisfied customer of Mega Credit. Enjoy watching.

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