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Marking tires for trucks

Особенности выбора шин для внедорожника

Truck tires have substantially the same significance, as motor cars. Good tires are able not only to increase safety on the road, but also to participate in the economy fuel consumption. 1442919201_bus

The most popular types of tires for trucks:

Each type of rubber has a specific function. So, Releve tire to have a special axis longitudinal bore in its design, which increases ostrotureaktsii during maneuvers and turns. In addition, the design of the tire reduces the noise of the wheels while driving.
Rubber, located on the drive wheels, defines the movement of the car. It is from these quality tire grip the road surface depends. The transfer of maximum torque is transmitted to the drive shaft. From this set depends on a good start movement and a quick stop of the vehicle. The tread of the tire looks, usually, as large bumps.
All cargo during transportation falls on the trailer wheels. The tread pattern is very similar to the pattern of steering tires. But to change their place is strictly prohibited, it can cause an emergency situation, the situation on the public highway.

Universal bus, As its name suggests, applicable to any bridge truck. In order to save the majority of motorists install them first on the steering wheel (Tie tires), and after a certain amount of their path is reset to the actuator (drive tire). Besides, Universal tire more resistant to high stress, so they are widely used in mining trucks and concrete mixers, for work in difficult conditions, such as the transportation of dimensional and heavy cargo.

Truck tires can be divided and labeling:

Tire series «Z» and «F» distinguished by the presence of longitudinal sipes in the tread, which contributes to resistance is not high while driving. Такие скаты отлично справляются с аквапланированием и снежной кашей, обеспечивая уверенное сцепление с дорожным полотном при торможении и маневрах. Шины марки «D» имеют специальную форму и высоту протектора, что обеспечивает равномерное распределение нагрузки на всё пятно контакта с дорогой.

Помимо основных стандартов, and truck tires are divided by purpose: regional, Trunk, universal, career, for winter conditions.

When choosing a truck tire is not enough attention should be paid to such indicators, as a technical control stamp, date of manufacture, trademark and labeling of tires.

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