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Top movies 2018 of the year

Today is Sunday, which means a day off. Many people probably want to take a walk with the family outdoors, but not the rain stops that do not contribute. At such moments, a desire to see a couple of three films. This article contains a list of the best films 2018 Year published to June inclusive.

Big game (January)

Фильм незаслуженно пропущен в номинациях на “Оскар”, оценили только уникальный сценарий Аарона Соркина. История Молли Блум, которая организовала незаконные игры в покер – это просто шедевр. Moreover, is the debut work of director. The plot is full of beautiful scenes and emotions. The very same story is based on real events and is extremely interesting. Также стоит отметить одну из лучших игр актрисы Джессики Честейн. Watch a movie, you can visit the theater online

form of water (February)

Новый фильм режиссера Гильермо дель Торо. Режиссер изящно соединяет в картине несколько жанров, сохраняя при этом баланс. Его сумасшедшее видение мира завораживает, admired and causes great emotion. Perhaps this is another strange and original film, which settles in the viewer for a long time in the memory. Поклонники Hellboya режиссера дель Торо будут довольны.

Tonya against all (March)

Very unusual biopic about the famous figure skater team, that became known after the scandal. It is suspected in the assassination of his rival. This film reveals the life a hell of a talented girl, which has plight and trying to achieve their dreams by any means. Учитывая довольно специфическую форму – это фильм, which not everyone will like, because it is far from the typical biography. but, благодаря отличному темпу и превосходной игре Марго Робби и Эллисон Дженни обязательно осядет в душе многих зрителей.

You've never not be here (April)

The film from the creator, "We Need to Talk About Kevin", в котором главную роль играет Хоакин Феникс. На первый взгляд это обычная история о спасении девушки попавшей в беду, but the director proved, that even a similar story can be told in an original way. The whole movie is centered on the main character, his experiences and many intense scenes.

Dedpul 2 (May)

Those who liked the first part, from the second will be just delighted. The picture is not no sense of humor, the director is clearly a proponent of the use of stunt. Not only amaze the audience an interesting story, but to have fun funny scenes, which is full. Actors and stuntmen as always on top.

cold war (June)

The picture tells the story of an unusual love story, during the Cold War. He is virtually incompatible characters, are absolute antipodes each other, but despite this they keep themselves together. Причиной этому… любовь.

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