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The best free program to clean Windows system

Conscious user knows, how important it is to properly care for the operating system. This applies not only to protect against malware, but also the file system control. Accumulated unnecessary files or unnecessary registry entries can be quite a significant impact on system performance, and not for the better.

The best free program to clean Windows photo system

Из-за лишнего “мусора” на диске ожидать стоит не только снижения производительности, but also increasingly encountered errors. Avoid these little pleasant situation, just, quite systematically "cleaning". Here are a few best, in our opinion, free software to clean your system, further discussions are to invite you to forum.



CCleaner-it, undoubtedly, the most popular program for Windows Cleanup, as well as and, which boasts a very systematic updates. Suffice it to note, that the last new thing appeared in the beginning of December.

In addition to rapid cleaning of web browsers, temporary files or memory dump, the program also allows you to quickly empties the Recycle Bin and clipboard, and all this is just the tip of its capabilities. With CCleaner you can also view and delete all the programs, installed on the system. Not the slightest objection is not with the interface. CCleaner-it program, from which each handle support.

CCleaner - Правильная настройка | Как пользоваться программой CCleaner

Wise Disk Cleaner


Wise Disk Cleaner boasts a relatively powerful scanner, which effectively scans your system for unnecessary items. The most important benefit of the program is a great speed. Count removal elements can be directly connected with the control, data from a web browser, as well as the traces left by the user during operation. Scanning can be performed in a simple or advanced mode. It is provided as an option which is responsible for disk defragmentation and the ability to customize windose cleaning schedules.

note! There are in addition to the program, It called the Wise Registry Cleaner, is responsible for the cleaning of the registry.

Glary Utilities


Glary Utilities is one of the main competitors CCleaner. Although it is still inferior to her in popularity. but of course, Glary Utilities is one of the most powerful tools, helping to clean and optimize your system. It is also important, that the manufacturer does not forget about updates, Recently it held a few days ago.

Mark is the possibility of cleaning the registry and defragmenting fast, plus the advanced system of emergency removal from the hard disk of unnecessary items. Besides, you can also rely on the memory manager cleaning, processes and startup programs. Due Glary Utilities can be controlled even in the context menu, remove the driver and software installed on your computer.

Clean Master


Clean Master-this program was originally developed with the idea of ​​the mobile operating system Google Android, but for some time now it has also become available on computers, Where, however, and systematically developing, last update came in October. The interface is very clear, initially quite bold colors have softened. But this is only part, important that the functionality of the program is really great.

According to the manufacturer, Clean Master is able to recognize files with more than 1000 applications. It is difficult to verify this, However, the fact remains, Clean Master is very effective to cope with the search and removal of unnecessary files, It cleans web browsers and caches. No cleaning tool registry.

System Ninja


System Ninja seemingly may look like a program with little scope, at least, compared to other programs offered by us to clean your system. very easy, It is not particularly attractive interface, but, performance is at a very high level.

The main element of System Ninja is a scanner allows you to search unnecessary files, and it is worth noting, it is characterized by very high efficiency, sometimes even finds elements, that were missed by other programs from the list above. System Ninja and has additional useful tools for configuring software, starting together with the operating system, is a function of removing programs windose. The manufacturer has provided also a process manager and a function to capture accurate information about each component in your computer.

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