But it does not mean, that instead of, to treat Warts on hands we have to wait, yet they have not abandoned. It happens after, if left untreated it persists for a month, and even years, more and more vedu into the skin and causing pain and inflammation. Besides, hands covered with warts, eventually, It looks very unattractive, а ведь это одна из наших визитных карточек.
but, of the oldest medical procedures, originating from the time of our great-grandmothers, It is the application of celandine. The plant creates a specific, yellow-orange juice, which is necessary to lubricate the wart within a few days.
warts, really, often disappear after such treatment. However, note: juice of celandine has a strong allergic properties, so you should avoid this method of treatment of allergic. It is also necessary to warn against getting juice to the conjunctiva, потому что это может привести к негативным последствиям