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Лечение наркомании – когда начать

Addiction treatment can be started at any time of life, but, the sooner a decision is made, тем больше шансов на восстановление здоровья и полноценной жизни.

Наркомания – все начинается невинно

Addiction, usually, It starts very innocently. Not being aware of the serious consequences of taking many different substances out of curiosity, boredom, to forget about the problems, because of the need for a peer, etc.. d. Unfortunately, sometimes even drug use can lead to a strong dependence, first symptom of which is the use of the drug more frequently and a higher dose of the drug. If you notice this behavior at, and you want to change, It should make the first and most difficult step, обратиться за помощью к психиатру-наркологу, to know how to proceed. Make an appointment to Narcologist you on t: +38 (098) 225-05-78. Narcologists Gapina Irina had long zanimaetsya drug treatment in Cherkassy and has helped many to cope with this harmful addiction.

Therapy and course of drug treatment

Treatment time depends on the individual. Basic therapy, usually, lasts 5 weeks, At the same time there is a possibility of its extension for the period until the patient's full recovery.

Therapy is performed stepwise, usually this:

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