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Control is the process aimed at the, чтобы реальные действия соответствовали с запланированным. The manager must ensure that, that the actions of the members of the company, actually bring the company to the goal. Peter Drucker, гуру менеджмента правильно заметил – “что нельзя измерить, тем невозможно управлять”. does it mean, that the supervision and control is the only effective way to success in the management of? CONTROL STAFF - HOW TO DO IT RIGHT?

Of course, without records of working hours in enterprises not enough. But, in today's organizations increasingly refuses to strict control of employees, in favor of the autonomy, where the employee is responsible for himself in front of the results and achievements. Remember, it is the ideal, to be pursued. People have to do something, not because, that someone and something they ordered, but because, they themselves see value in their work. If you develop in them the need for self-control, you do not have to check them so greatly.

Control and motivation

management, based on fear and punishment, It is not an effective method of education, and a good way to manage. Today, emerging trends that direct our attention to something else entirely. control is necessary, but we should not restrict the freedom, it should be used for a creative approach to the work, even the staff at the lowest level. This has a strong impact on the quality of the action, which is determined based on the staff's approach to its work.

Increasingly, say what you need to give employees greater authority, for their development in the company. It is about, that employees have as much responsibility, to communicate ideas, to solve their problems when there is a possibility. Of course, такое большое доверие возможно когда сотрудники “зрелые” с точки зрения компетентности и в личностном плане.

How to cope with the problems arising from the management?

future management

management of the enterprise / organization is increasingly quality monitoring work, and its performance. Important, to do so with the prospect of, bearing in mind the purpose of, which is to increase the responsibility of employees. The most important thing is that, to seek to change behavior, skills, and employee relations for work, of course, for the better.

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