Какие контактные линзы выбрать для себя|news

Contact lenses – What is better to choose for themselves?

Shortcomings and defects of this relatively common disease. Contact lenses is a good solution, if we can not or we do not like to wear glasses. Irritating to the constant compression of the nose glasses, evaporation, or we're just not happy with the appearance of our. In the online shop “https://mir-linz.com.ua/” Available are many types of lenses, adapted to the different needs of. Как в этом широком ассортименте не потеряться и выбрать идеальные линзы контактные для себя? How to start your way to use contact lenses?

contact lens pictures

First time with lenses

First step, we have to do before you buy lenses, visit to a specialist. Ophthalmologist in a surefire way to determine the extent of the defect. Measurement of visual acuity, the curvature of the cornea and to evaluate the ability of secretion is key to the selection of the appropriate size and type of contact lenses. After conducting research specialist determines, what type of lenses would be the best one for you. It tells also how to wear them, on and off.

Rigid and soft contact lenses

Contact lenses available on the market are divided among themselves on the material, from which they are made. Hard lenses are made from a hard organic glass. Because of the discomfort they are used almost exclusively in situations, when you can not use soft lenses. soft contact, in turn, характеризуются высокой гидратацией. Изготавливаются из гидрогеля или его соединения с силиконом. The specialist must determine the, Can we use any option.

Contact lenses are also divided on the time and mode of wearing. day, fortnight, monthly and even possible type - year. Wear them in different modes: Only during the day, with a break at night, within a few days without getting tired or not at all during the shooting 30 days and nights. A suitable type of lens must be adapted to the eye irritation and humidity. If you use a reusable lenses, it is important to take care of their health.

How to care for contact lenses?

contact lens care is not a difficult task and takes just a few minutes a day. If you are wearing a one-day version, of course, evening, they just need to throw. If such contact lenses that can be worn several times, they should after each use, clean and disinfect with a special liquid. Each piece carefully wash his hands in the recess, then put in emkost filled with a fresh portion of fluid.

Good idea-carry moisturizing drops for the eyes, in case of irritation or contamination during the day.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Many people resort to the use of contact lenses because of their appearance and image, which do not take into glasses. They are also useful in winter, when the glasses quickly sweat, or when engaging in various sports. Lens not interfere with daily activities like glasses, some lenses can even wear 3 months or longer. Are also sunscreens. They are virtually indispensable, when the deficiencies are of both eyes.

The lenses are not for everyone. People with the syndrome “dry eyes”, hypersensitivity and pregnant women should avoid wearing them. A wrong species may contribute to the appearance of discomfort, edema, and in the longer term inflammation. Too long time use lenses may contribute to infection.

Deciding to wear contact lenses, must first see a specialist, and from him learn the basic information about the health and condition of our eyes. Ophthalmologist will determine, what type of contact lenses is advisable to use us. Remember, you must pay special attention to cleanliness and hygiene. Always before putting on and removing the lenses, wash your hands.

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