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Samsung has introduced memory chip 1 ТБ для смартфонов – важна не только емкость

Компания Samsung представила флэш-память для смартфонов eUFS 2.1 capacity 1 TB. On the size of the chip is the same as in the 512 ГБ установленный в флагмане Note 9.


В начале эпохи смартфонов необходимость применения дополнительной внешней памяти представляла собой естественную потребность, and it is difficult to argue. Unfortunately, in most modern smartphones and still require the use of external storage (Memory Card Micro-SD). Going to meet the expectations of consumers, Samsung has consistently promoted the technology of internal memory, its latest chip capacitance characterized 1 TB.

1 ТБ – это огромное пространство для хранения данных, you just imagine how many thousands of photographs accommodates a carrier, how many hours of high-definition video can be removed, and how to upload movies.

The system uses the technology of the 5th generation of V-NAND

The volume is not everything

The latest chip is characterized by not only high volume, but higher value, which ultimately will affect the price of future smartphones and tablets. Besides, if you look at the table placed below, you can see how to increase memory performance and increased data rates (Read / Write). In the case of the last chip on 1 TB it comes to reading at a speed 1000 MB / sec, and recording 260 MB / sec. В свою очередь показатель IOPS оценивается в 50-60 thousand times.

The appearance of a bulk memory will force users to look at your smartphone from a different angle. According to the manufacturer in the near future, the smartphone will be perceived as a small laptop computer with excellent image / video capabilities. Who knows, It can run the phone and become a full-fledged computer. Such attempts at least Microsoft has made, releasing a smartphone, which can be connected via the docking station to monitor.

What do you think, whether the smartphone will be able in the future to replace the computer?

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