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The company demonstrated a new Porshe 911th model in the Alps

Porsche unveiled the new 911th model to cope with driving on ice and snow.

The updated car Porshe 911 It was first presented to the public during the auto show held in Los Angeles in late November 2018 of the year. recently, the, namely, in late January, the company's management has demonstrated its capabilities in the village Areit-Alm, расположенного высоко над австрийским городком Целль-ам-Зее.

It is reported that the car was taken to a village situated in the mountains (1408 above sea level) вертолетом. В презентации приняли участие: Wolfgang Porsche, Chairman of the Porsche AG Supervisory Board, Albrecht Raymond, member of the board of directors, responsible for production and logistics, Champions motorsport Walter Rohrl and Mark Webber, as well as professional drivers Timo Bernhard and Richard Lietz.

Car, of course, не удивляет своей формой. Характерный стиль является отличительной чертой этой модели, поэтому никто в Porsche не отважится на радикальные изменения. В первую очередь 911-ая модель в последней версии – Carrera S – получила новое поколение 6-цилиндровых двигателей с турбонаддувом мощностью 450 l. with.. The drive is transmitted via a newly developed 8-speed gearbox.

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tests showed, that the S-ka accelerates to a hundred in just 4 a second standard, с пакетом же Sport Chrono всего за 3,5 seconds. Bleed the version 911 Carrera 4S with a drive on two axis accelerates to a hundred in just 3,4 sec. Максимальная скорость у 911 Carrera S makes 308 kmh.

Модификациям подверглись также шасси. Carrera и Carrera S теперь имеют поворотные задние колеса. Новинкой являются системы, security enhancements, including, eg, „wet mode”, или режим облегчающий езду на мокрой дороге. Besides, in the list of equipment is Cruise Control with radar and thermal imaging camera.

Said presentation capabilities of the new model took place during a television show, which was attended not only new and old models Porsshe, but other actors.

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