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Ford has increased the productivity of labor through the use of exoskeletons

Assembling cars is associated with heavy physical labor, but thanks to the exoskeleton of Ford employees will be easier to work. What is the new solution?

Ford has increased the productivity of labor through the use of exoskeletons

Ford not afraid to innovate, которые оказывают положительное влияние на комфорт и производительность труда. Американский производитель, in particular, uses:

Recently it became known about the beginning of the use of exoskeletons.

Exoskeletons for Ford workers

Все началось с тестов на двух сборочных линиях штата Мичиган. Они прошли успешно, so now the workers at Ford's assembly lines 15 seven countries have been using plants exoskeletons called EksoVest.

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The new devices have been developed in partnership with Ekso Bionics, but their main advantage, As reported by Ford Motor Company, является эффективная разгрузка сотрудников. We are talking about, exoskeletons that thanks people, participating in the assembly of vehicles, We have to make less effort, which means that they are less tired and more time will be able to work productively.

A positive result is visible to the naked eye, employees become more productive. Take for example the screws tightening, when the car is over the head of the employee. This work is very tedious, exoskeleton and it significantly easier.

The reason for creating the exoskeleton

In an official release said :

"Imagine, that as part of his work, you pick a watermelon or bag of flour on a level above the head 4600 once a day - it's like that, What makes some of Ford employees around the world, in the assembly of cars ".

It was also said that do not limit the movements exoskeletons, Lightweight and comfortable. At the same time possible to obtain relief for 7 kilogram shoulder.

Performance, comfort and safety

Bruce Hettl, which Ford holds the position of vice president of production and exploitation, not discovered America, said, what "assembly of motor vehicles associated with heavy physical labor”. Его сотрудники наверняка оценят усилия которые он предпринимает, чтобы помочь им в исполнении служебных обязанностей. Благодаря экзоскелетам компания имеет цель снизить усталость, improve the efficiency and safety of employees.

The aforementioned release says, that the number of accidents decreased by using the exoskeleton on 75% comparing with the previous year.

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