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Coconut milk - useful properties

Where does milk? cow, goats, sheeps. Depending on, кто дает ответ на этот вопрос, it may be different. This time under the attention was coconut and coconut milk, which can be prepared from it. All a child knows, что жидкость находящаяся в орехе кокоса – это кокосовое молоко… И какова же была эта радость иметь возможность разработать и выполнить план, по его раскрытию – чтобы добраться до кокосового молочка :) Stookey, pounding, шрамы… это был реальный вызов.

Where does coconut milk?

It turns out, что жидкость находящаяся в кокосе это вовсе не кокосовое молоко как многие считали – а на самом деле – его готовят из мякоти кокоса. You can buy coconut milk, if you do not want to bother with his cooking.

Кокосовое молоко доступное в магазинах продается в консервах, but it is much more useful to be his own cook. It is not too difficult process. You can use the coconuts (independently extracted from the pulp of Neh) or buy coconut pulp.

In both cases, the coconut meat or coconut stirred for a few minutes with lukewarm water, then filtered through cheesecloth. The less water is added, тем – молочко будет жирнее. So there is a white and fragrant liquid - which is called coconut milk. After cooking, it can be stored in the refrigerator for about 3 days. properly, увидеть процесс – приготовления кокосового молочка вы можете в следующем видеоролике.

The properties of coconut milk

Coconut milk has antibacterial properties, as well as anti-virus and anti-fungal. It is useful for acne, It helps take care of the beauty. Coconut oil contains 50 to 55 percent lauric acid. This essential fatty acid inhibits the growth of microorganisms. В результате пища приготовленная с использованием кокосового молока или масла – может дольше храниться.

The fatty acids of coconut milk (MCT fats) burn faster, than other types of fatty acids. They are particularly useful in the energy supply of lymph nodes, liver and fat cells themselves. (Even the fat cells need energy.) MCT являются менее “вредными”, than other types of fatty acids.

Употребление кокосового молока

Кокосовое молоко – это популярный компонент питания, especially Thai and Indian cuisine. People, suffering from intolerance to animal milk, or ideological reasons,(vegans or vegetarians), exclude it from their diet - replacing the coconut on the menu. You can use coconut milk as follows::

Coconut milk and diet

It is desirable to take coconut oil in moderate amounts - about 2 tablespoons (30 ml) in a day, instead of other oils - if you want to lose weight. You can get the same effect, eating 1/4 cup of coconut milk per day, in cocktails e.g.. Thus you can expand your diet diet for weight loss.

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