IT News

The Chinese want to buy Opera for 1,23 billion

operaCompany Opera Software , known, first of all, due to its browser. Chairman of the Board, Sverre Munck announced, that the main goal now is to find a partner, который бы сделал из проекта норвежской компании пользу и помог бы в ее надлежащем развитии. Среди потенциальных покупателей выделяется китайский консорциум, first of all, offer height - Asians are willing to pay for Opera 145 percent of its market value.

1,23 billion dollars - that is how much the consortium offers, which includes, by the way, Qihoo 360 (known, first of all, производством антивирусного программного обеспечения) и Kunlun Tech (company, engaged in the development of browser games, video, and also has a controlling stake in the dating apps Grindr).

"Facebook and Google have their own ecosystem. We have our own internet that develops incredibly fast. So we will be stronger in this area " , - promised Sverre Munck.

He also added, that one should not offer a globally Opera and stop the fall in share price almost 50 percent. during the last year. According to him, the company is now in a difficult phase of transition, but the prognosis is very optimistic.

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