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Кератоконус – характеристики и симптомы

Кератоконус - характеристики и симптомы

keratoconus (Greek: kerato – роговица и konos – конус) it's a disease, at which a corneal distortion. This distortion resembles a cone and significantly impairs vision, today keratoconus treated effectively, learn more about the treatment you can immediately

symptoms, you may notice:

keratoconus increases, but usually, So slow. It can also stop at any stage: as a moderate, and more serious. As the disease progresses, there is an increasing protrusion of the cornea. Thus, it becomes thinner and forms with the irregular shape, and sometimes even scars may form on it.

The exact cause of keratoconus is not known. However, there are several theories about the origin of this disease (mainly refers to the genetic causes, as well as about, that the disease is a secondary symptom as a result of pathological process or disrupt the functioning of the endocrine system). Scientific studies have shown, that 7% keratoconus patients was also found in other members of their family. this implies, if you have discovered the disease, then your child has a chance to be ill 1:10.

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