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Benefits of Auto Gas

Газовая установка для автомобиля - какие автомобили лучше всего подходят для этого?

Many people have heard about, in the case of petrol engines for the car can be installed HBO. It is advantageous from an economic point of view, but what are the overall advantages and disadvantages of such a decision?volkswagen caddy on gas

Where to order the installation of HBO on the car

Заказать установку газобаллонного оборудования на авто в Киеве вы можете в СТО “ГБО Сервис”. The company not only establish and configure the HBO, and provides an opportunity to issue a service credit, more information can be found on the official website clicking on the following link

Benefits HBO

What to look for before installation of gas equipment?

But still, gasoline completely, you can not refuse, use it will have to warm the gas nozzles. Также мастера СТО “ГБО Сервис” рекомендуют проходить проверку раз в год на наличие утечек газа. The car is constantly shakes on each pit and mound, however some compounds expected to begin to poison gas can not be.

To safely drive a car with gas installation should also ensure that, that the installation was properly chosen for the particular type of engine. Poorly matched may cause damage to the exhaust pipe.

In the old vacuum systems first and second generation, there was a risk of the backward wave in the suction passage, i.e, gas explosion. Currently, such a problem is in the past. Today mounted installation with sequential gas injection. There are also solutions that fuel is supplied in liquid form, This V-generation system. Their advantage is the large capacity.

Although many of the engines can be easily converted for gas equipment, should pay particular attention to the, to the company, service you are, It provides you a professional gas equipment installation and maintenance. Одной из таких является “ГБО Сервис” – сотрудничество с которой положительно отмечено многими столичными водителями.


Operating cost and environmental benefits are significant Worth install HBO. But even if the gas price will rise and travel one kilometer will cost the same, it is still necessary to establish, because as long as the quality of gasoline in our country will not rise, it will not be profitable to go, since engine repair is not cheap.

We recommend to the overview! In the following video expert voiced advantages of gas installations for cars fourth generation of the second. Enjoy watching.

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