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Which carpet is better to choose?

buying rugs online store for premises, you must pay attention not only to the beautiful pattern or softness, there are many other important parameters. Which ones? This will be discussed in this article.


The first criterion, determining the functional value of the carpet, является количество видимых невооруженным глазом ворсинок на одном квадратном метре. Самые простые гладкие варианты, they have approximately half of the villi and visible pattern.

If you want to have a very soft option, you should buy a silk or viscose (They have up to two million villi on one square meter). Если же мягкость не принципиальна можно выбрать вариант типа шегги, made of thick yarn, which despite only 50 thousands of villi provides a pleasant fluffiness.

In the hall, living room and dining room are proven tough options, in turn, in the bedroom and children's soft.

How to choose a carpet in the living room? Вы можете выбрать тот, which is suitable to the couch, здесь очень важна цветовая гамма и дизайн. Также следует учитывать, whether it is set furniture (table legs, sofa or cabinet).

Carpet with short or long-haired?

The simplest is to fluff the size carpets up 2,5 cm, they are called smooth. Usually, are drawing, which adds to the charm room. They are the opposite of the fluffy versions with fibers to 10 cm., carpets with long pile extremely soft, поэтому вносят в интерьер ощущение роскоши. При покупке также стоит обратить внимание на вес, the more he, the stronger the product.

From which the fibers?

Reflecting on the carpet purchase you need to decide what types of fibers selected, natural or artificial. К натуральным относятся хлопчатобумажные, woolen and silk threads. The first two options are not recommended for people with allergies, the third one has the advantage of, that does not attract dust and is easy to clean.

silk carpet

Silk fibers have the highest quality. they are light, плотные и выглядят блестяще. Хорошо смотрятся в минималистичных аранжировках, потому что придают им шика. Unfortunately, их недостатком является высокая цена. Альтернативой шелку может быть искусственная вискоза.

wool carpet

Wool carpets are very lush, мягкие и упругие. Подходят для больших пространств. Since attract dust, they should avoid allergies. An interesting feature is their ability to absorb moisture and recoil, when it is necessary.

Natural fibers worst proven cotton. Although they have antistatic properties and is resistant to dirt, fast break.

cotton carpet

Articles made of artificial fibers, eg Shaggy rugs, recommended for people with allergies, потому что их очень легко поддерживать в чистоте. Besides, they are resistant to abrasion and lose color.


How view, carpet selection is not a simple task. To make the best decision, you must determine which of the selected product, you expect. Then analyze individual parameters, to find the best carpet for your interior. In the end there will be to solve the problem associated with the pattern and color.

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