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What Samsung Galaxy smartphones will get Android 7.0 Meadow?

The Korean manufacturer, probably, will only take care of the owners of the flagships from this year and the previous year.

Plans associated with the release of Android 7.0 Nougat on their smartphones expressed several manufacturers. We already wrote about Sony and HTC applications. As it is also the case in the case of Samsung?

Корейцы как всегда воздерживались от указания полного списка устройств, на которые попадет последняя версия системы. Therefore the data published in the American network T-Mobile It can be regarded as reliable. Especially, that confirms their sammobile portal.

Familiarization with the listed devices, no one will not cause much surprise. All indications are that Android 7.0 Nougat receive only the owners of the flagships of this and the previous year.

Quite possibly, that first gets update on Samsung Galaxy Note 7, whose owners will be able to enjoy the last month of November at the latest operating system.

If the manufacturer will release an official statement on the plans, associated with updating and the list of smart phones will be wider, то безусловно мы об этом сообщим.

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