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How to register HBO that you are not deceived?

How to register HBO need to know everyone, who already operates a car with gas, but has not issued a fact officially. For, that ye be not deceived when registering, We will give you a few tips.

Discover, how to register HBO, we have decided on their own experience. To do this, we took the car with the gas cylinder of the fourth generation of equipment and went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs Service Center, which should replace our data sheet on new, with a note about the presence in the car HBO. according to the legislation, legalized changes in vehicle design can not later, than two weeks after the completion of the installation of HBO. Period starts from the date of, specified in the act of executed works. You also need to monitor, that there was no term of two other documents, выданных вам на СТО газовиков – их сертификаты имеют определенный «срок годности».

Choosing a service center

Register now HBO is possible in any service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, regardless of the owner's address and registration vehicle. We have asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs Service Center, Located in Kiev Petrovka. This is a new concept center, который открылся в том году. When it opens in the Interior Ministry promised to, that it will be representative and model for other such centers:

However, the organizers are not all turned out well, as intended.

“Регистрировать газ” в наше время многие отказываются принципиально – при отсутствии государственного техосмотра никому, roughly speaking, nothing to do with HBO on your car. more precisely, if the container does not stick out from under the body, and the filler neck is hidden in the trunk or under the bumper, learn about the HBO cop would only occasionally. But we believe, that in everything there must be order, and the fact that the conversion of the machine under the gas fuel is necessary to bring in documents. Especially, что время для этого сейчас благоприятный – цена на услуги регистрации относительно невелика, and with the old order of extortion in MREO system if done.

In the electronic-queue service center MIA we spent less than an hour. The wait was quite comfortable.

What have included during registration HBO

Set of documents, necessary, to register on the gas car to an individual, simple enough :

  1. passport holder and his identification number
  2. vehicle registration certificate
  3. Certificate of conformity (issued for service stations, where they mounted HBO)
  4. Akt vehicle reception and transmission of owner SRT (issued for service stations, where they mounted HBO).
  5. The certificate of registration stations, HBO has set on your car (issued for service stations, where they mounted HBO).

In addition to documents, you need to have in stock a few hundred hryvnia money and a few hours at a time. The amount depends on several factors. Минимум – замена техпаспорта на новый, с внесенным ГБО – обошлось нам 357 UAH. It is without a replacement license plates, поскольку у нас они были актуального образца – четырехзначные. However, if we are not vigilant, we would have to pay much more. therefore, that ye be not deceived, be careful.

Good and bad

First impressions of the service center is quite positive: modern interior, the staff are polite and discreet. “Став” в электронную очередь в терминале, we got a card with the number, which meant our serial number. We had to wait more than an hour, then our number flashed on the big screen and was announced on the loudspeaker: “Просим пройти к столику №5”!

An employee with a name tag in five minutes took our documents and sent us to the site to an expert. У аккуратного контейнера с надписью “Экспертный обзор” мы провели не более получаса. When the vacant place in the container, We put on his car and open the hood. Smiling and friendly expert checks the numbers, looking for traces of digestion of the front end, all photographs, It compliments your car and gives it two documents.

Обзор автомобиля экспертом – важная часть процедуры регистрации машины и внесении изменений в его документы. We advise owner with espert delve into all the details of the process.

However, one of the documents a little confused us. On the corner of the blank with a pencil two digits were written: 151,96 UAH. and 54,36 USD., without any other explanation. experienced drivers remember, that such an impersonal columns of figures were given to visitors at MREO pre-reform period. And there is: is, We also had to pay the money to the cashier. the question, for what we have to pay, We responded with a polite smile, the girls in the office know everything. And again, deja vu! This is how to answer such questions in the same abandoned MREO! "Pay to the cashier, there girls cashiers know, for what!"But the money are our, rather than girls!

I had to go back to the service center office, to find out the cause of this unexpected surcharges. Not right away, but we were told, что эти две суммы – плата за некий «Заключение экспертизы». It provides answers to questions, We are in the registration of HBO not confuse: “Есть изменялись идентификационные номера, ли справжынй бланк” и так далее. maybe, when buying a car from a stranger, and such information is not prevented, but not in this case. Our car for a long time and there is no doubt we have.

one review, who made an expert on site, MIA need to make sure, we brought exactly the car, о которой говорим – и его стоимость включена в цену услуг по регистрации ГБО.

After examination, we received two pieces of paper. Having carefully considered their contents, we understood, что один для нас лишний – и отказались от ненужной услуги.

In this way, Expert on site, to which we will return without a receipt of payment, без возражений – и уже без улыбки – подписал нам акт осмотра. The fight for the vital 206 UAH. It robbed us fifteen minutes.

Getting a new registration certificate

Теперь нам осталось два дела – заплатить законные 357 UAH. and pick a new registration certificate. Both processes have been no problems.

Money accepts bank or cash register or payment terminal, причем если в кассе вас ждут те же “девушки”, it helps to understand the terminal a specially trained person. The Banking Commission is about the same: 15 UAH. hand and 20 UAH. in a terminal.

Defended a short live all over to our table №5, We got a few minutes to the same specialist for name tag, We gave him an act of the expert and the payment slip 357 UAH. Зато получили наш новый техпаспорт – еще теплый после принтера. Смотрим на часы – на все про все потратили 2:00.

Now we know, how to register HBO, and unfortunately, forced to recall: that ye be not deceived, be careful.

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