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Starting the engine using the start-charger?

Many of today's drivers are confronted with the problem of the discharged battery cars. Often, such a trouble occurs in the most unexpected and inopportune moment. If the hand has a start-Charger, special problems, you will not. After all, it can be used to start the engine in just a couple of minutes. But not always, the driver has the opportunity. Unfortunately, not everyone is so discreet, that advance purchase battery charger Aida. If the ROM is in every garage, in the winter you can not worry about, that due to a sharp decrease in temperature it will be difficult to start the car. we recommend buy starting charger the drivers, who actively use your car in winter, then you can greatly simplify your life.

Not everyone knows, as is the case of the engine starting process. Let's consider in more detail the issue. First trigger device, with the correct polarity, подключается к клеммам автомобильной батареи. Then set the instrument mode - start-up and expose the desired current value. For starting currents are typically used for larger quantity, the only way it will be possible to revive the motor even when fully shrunken battery.

Если до включения устройства в сеть авто аккумулятор был полностью заряжен, то напряжение на клеммах очень быстро должно достигнуть 14,5–15Вольт. Перезаряжать АКБ в таком случае не рекомендуется, as soon as the battery voltage becomes 15V, you need to start the engine. Starter need to scroll around for 10 seconds, Then your battery will work more efficiently and for a long time.

Если двигатель автомобиля с первой попытки не запустился, то выключите зажигание и подождите несколько минут. Battery voltage will start to grow again, и после достижения отметки в 15Вольт пуск можно повторить. As soon as the engine is started, the device immediately must be disconnected from the battery. Совместная работа генератора и зарядки может привести к перезаряду авто аккумулятора.

Used for charging low battery can be a variety of devices. for example, Charging the battery STACK copes with this task. but, with the launch of a motor device can not cope, since it has no engine start function. If you plan to use the device not only to restore a dead battery capacity, but also for a cold start, you should choose a more powerful specialized ROM.

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