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How to replace Xenon headlight?

Xenon lamps illuminate the road much better than halogen, at the same time 2-3 times safer, but several times more expensive. but, eventually be able to save a lot of time, spent looking for new lamps and replace them independent.

Xenon headlight

Once the xenon bulb manufacturers claimed, that their products are almost eternal. But time puts everything in its place. In fact, the durability of Xenon averages 2-3 thousands of hours (in ideal conditions), which can be translated in about 70-120 thousand. of kilometers, that is several times greater, than the performance of halogen lamps. По истечении этого периода лампы перегорают и появляется необходимость подобрать новый Avtosvet the online store.

Благодаря технологии этих ламп, they emit a much more powerful beam of light, close to daylight (3200-4200 lumen), than halogen lamps (about 1200 lm).

Unfortunately there are also disadvantages, ксеноновые лампы обходятся в несколько раз дороже, than others. Цены фирменных моделей начинаются от 45-50 dollars, and the originals can cost three times as much. К этому следует добавить 15-30 долларов за их замену, which together can reach the amount of approximately 60-80 dollars.

When you need to replace xenon light and how to do it?

discharge lamps (xenon) в принципе не перегорают внезапно. Their deterioration manifested decrease in light output and (that more prominently) color change - most often on purple-pink.

note! Если неисправность проявляется миганием (as well, as in the stroboscope), usually, blame the starter, not a single lamp(Xenon lamps do not work with all starters). Remember, too, the lamp must be replaced in pairs.

If you notice, что цвет света изменился только в одной фаре, you can be sure, soon the same thing will happen with the second. Замена газоразрядной лампы не сильно отличается от стандартных ламп. В некоторых случаях они легкодоступны для замены. If you have access to them, nothing prevents you to replace them with their own.

Attention! Нужно соблюдать большую осторожность, because xenon lamps are forced to use a starter, when run creates a voltage pulse with 20 thousands of volts. Such stress can kill! therefore, если решитесь самостоятельно заменять ксеноновые лампы, first make, that the ignition is off.

Choosing the right bulb!

Выбор соответствующего типа ксеноновой лампы не такой простой как может казаться. There are lamps with ignition (D1, D3, D5 and D8) without him (without legs, metal housing, in particular, D2, D4). Xenon lamps are also divided on the device for projectors headlights(с линзой ” – обозначается в конце буквой S, eg D2S), и фар отражателей(R designation).

Recently, there were also new, weaker Xenon headlight (are used, in particular, íîâîì Citro?nie Picasso) power 25 Tue (including D5S and D8), and not as hitherto 35 W. They shine a little harder than normal incandescent lamps.

Xenon lamps for a long time are not a sign of luxury, but this does not mean, that you can buy for a penny. It should avoid dealing with cheap offers, As a rule, they are fake.

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