How to choose a bike?

before, than to buy a bike, ask a simple question: Why do you need a bike and how much time is going to ride on it, how much you are willing to pay for it, Well, be sure to draw a parallel with the growth of your, возрастом и весом. How to choose a bike

How to choose the right bike. instruction

so, We define the first question - skating style. For every cyclist of his itinerary is strictly individual. Some like to ride on busy city, on a flat road, but some riders like to travel around all the territory of the forest-steppe, as well as down the stairs, without getting up from bicycle. The only thing, that brings together all the maniacs cycling - it is an incredible feeling of freedom. If we consider the mountain bike, it is clear, that the beginning of its history, he takes with driving on highway. Now consider directly skating styles, to make things easier to find among all himself.

Bicycles for CROS-country

Cross-country skiing is the most preferred style, for him to use the mountain bike model that can be purchased here Use of mountain bikes is quite justified, tk. You have to go along the forest paths, park alleys, long route around the city, as well as extreme conventions with almost vertical ascents. If this is for you, then buy bikes hardtail or a series of short-stroke dvuhpodvesov (that suspension travel does not exceed 100 mm.). Для этой серии велосипедов характерно так же занятие гонками.

Characterological tags bike for cross-country - is endurance, comfort, lightness and technicality. very progressive, to date, and for health it is useful to ride over long distances even with many people, just loving long rides. However, for long rides legs should be strong and withstand a load. In any case, for those new to this business is better to buy a massager for legs, to remove fatigue.


  • versatility
  • affordable prices
  • a large range of spare parts
  • amenable to modification to fit your needs

negative phenomena:

  • massive (to 14 kg)
  • poor acceleration on asphalt
  • planting and drive the process to adjust for sports activities, not an easy comfortable driving.


These mountain bikes have suspension in the front and rear wheels, making transport more progressive. This model is relevant for cross country or trail (a very popular movement in Europe). During the trail, cyclists ride along the scenic, suburban resorts, etc.. But at the same time more and EXTREMALS, rolling on steep slopes and filling the adrenaline. Plus these races is, that skating is mainly designed for the descent, so you adjust the speed yourself, in this case it is not necessary to be an athlete.

Трейловские модели велосипедов представленные на странице consider a paradoxical strength and functionality, with a light weight. Everything to be positively and accurately, manufacturers include in these stories the most modern technologies. for example, frame is made from carbon fiber or from aircraft aluminum, and hydraulic brake and disc. Suspension travel - 130 cm, бывает и замудрённей мотоциклетной. She is the paradox of the 11-kilogram weight.


  • comfort, created feature podressorki wheels
  • increased stability on bumpy roads
  • improved patency

negative phenomena:

  • expensive, in comparison with other models
  • gain in weight due to the rear suspension amortized

Bikes for riding around town

City bikes are known for their convenient and the best performance on asphalt rolling. Buyers of these bike models is not put in a priority to get the adrenaline in the highlands or win the race fans. For them, the bike - it's just a means of transportation around the city and to keep in shape.

After watching the traffic in Europe, you can find millions of cyclists on these models. Each of them will speak, just riding or going somewhere, that replaces the gym. To this end, suitable simple, inexpensive bike with front shock absorber which can be bought here Appreciated such models for ease of, density, the ability to put big wheels with tires for unembossed, to catch up with the speed. In our country, it is a popular, than trail.


  • high comfort (high seating, not so, as in sports)
  • great acceleration on asphalt
  • you can choose between speed and comfort

negative phenomena:

  • narrower tires are ineffective in the mud and potholes

Bicycles oriented cross and tourism

On these bikes mounted on wheels 28 inches. This provides a great reel and a great rate. Their zone of maximum efficiency - groomed soil and asphalt. By purchasing a bike, you will notice, that riding on a familiar place for you (whether it is forest, Park or Garden) order to accelerate. This is all thanks to 28-inch wheels. The city is an advantage in movement due to the lack of need to stand in a traffic jam.

By nature, Bike Grand Sports, with wind landing, designed for quick and easy movement of the most relatively smooth surfaces. These bikes are equipped with a suspension fork to swing 80 mm, that allows you to seamlessly overcome low bumps in the road.


  • synthesis of comfort from urban and mountain bikes
  • They have a great reel
  • at the level of patency
  • lighter weight, than the mountain bikes

negative phenomena:

  • low maneuverability

Bicycles for highway

Their first mission - to be able to accelerate quickly and for a long time to keep a high speed. Place to skate on them - smooth and even highway. The wheels on them inflated to the 8 atmospheres, This reduces the friction on the pavement to a minimum. These bikes all the details from the frame to the spokes on the wheels are made from the lightest, but strong alloy, that, ideally, can make the machine air, weight 5 kg. Shock absorbers are not taken into account, that play in favor of rolling on flat ground. But on this bike you can not drive through the mud, and track irregularities would be painful for the rider.


  • high speed
  • little weight

negative phenomena:

  • demanding the surface smoothness, on which drive

Tales from the Street series and Dirt

These models are designed for riding a bike in an urban setting (speaking of the Street) or extreme veloparkura on earth slides (it's about the Dirt). Simply put, is bikes for the adrenaline lovers. Designed for skating on a city with performing acrobatic. These bikes are equipped with the most powerful frame and very robust components. More often, they do not have a seat, and the frame is small. The advantages and disadvantages are obvious, lose their spelling.

Famous BMX bikes

These models are specially designed bicycles for breaching tricks, them little wheels (by 20 inches), one transfer, rarely can find a model with brakes. On these bikes perform the most incredible stunts, they go back to, doing flips in different directions on a flat surface and with special facilities. When it all, More and skating with jumps on one wheel did not attract viewers? These bike models are small and very durable, so that the rough treatment they transcend.


here you go, Now you have a picture of the scope necessary for the purchase of a bicycle. Talk about budget. In the current climate with the Privacy Policy on the bikes in our country, We have the lowest cost – 300$. We take into account the best selling model.

For the amount of 300$ do500 $ can be qualitative enough to buy, but the easiest of its kind bike. Naturally, it is a well-known brand, all of its components taken in the calculation of newcomers, We recommend their use as a recreational models. Paying so much money for a bicycle, rest assured, that the problems you have with him will not. but, with a sum below, than 300$, better to walk past. Cheap cheese only in a mousetrap quality, miracles are not for our country.

Price range in the area of 500$ to 1500$ It is considered the most relevant, tk. It is already possible to find popular models of bicycles at no cost as a. Bikes are designed for serious and long skating. Usually, these bikes light, equipped with over-the-frame, disc brakes and oil plug. These bikes will be long and you will be comfortable with them.

The most expensive price category from 1500$ to 10000$, in which you, As an avid rider, there appear a great model dvuhpodvesa (bike, wherein absorb both wheels) or just VIP bike, emphasizing your reliability and make the ride comfortable. Parts for such bikes are put extra class (Carbon is particularly popular!). Design patterns can pick whatever, to the point, that make to order. All these factors are very useful to affect the use of the bicycle. Riding on such transport - overjoyed.

All these price categories do not apply only to road racing bike model. They are in the same range of values.

And now it is necessary to devote time to the third question, which it refers to the dimensions of your body and age. It is important to frame the question of choice, because each has a unique model of the bike frame size. manufacturers, in this way, make the trip on this bike as comfortable as possible for the host with the appropriate height and weight. The only problem, that overlaps when measuring the height and length of the frame parameters all brands of bikes make different. So, if one brand 19 inches, then another such component is equal to 20. Therefore it is best to stick to the lettering in size.

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