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How to choose a micro USB cable for charging your smartphone?

Smartphones are now enjoying great popularity, причем настолько что вытеснили из продажи обычные сотовые телефоны. With the advantages of smartphones are all familiar, but they have one major drawback. If you are currently connected to the Internet, играете в игры или разговариваете часами – батарея очень быстро разряжается… А для того чтобы его зарядить нужно зарядное устройство и провод с штекером microUSB. But not every wire for charging smartphones, because they do not provide the proper voltage transmission. On the choice of a suitable wire for charging smartphones and will be discussed in this article.

How can a damaged cable?

Теоретически вы можете носить с собой micro usb cable and recharge your smartphone in the office from any computer, or in combination with the power supply from the outlet. It is due to the fact, that you often carry a cable with a, чаще всего происходит его повреждение или утеря. Damage this cable can be easily, especially if you wear it in a bag or backpack mixed with other things. Also micro USB connector is not too durable, because in order, that there was a mechanical contact fields, manufacturers often use slightly bent contacts. A bent contacts are known through several hundreds of chargers can be unbent, why wire cease to perform its functions.

There is also another problem, These cables are often lend colleagues and other residents of the dormitory, and often do not return back:).

How to choose a new wire?

In case of loss or damage there is a need to purchase a new cable microUSB. original, from manufacturers of smartphones or tablets, usually difficult to access, и продаются по сумасшедшим ценам. Theoretically, every owner of a smartphone in this situation may be to buy cheap Chinese cable.

At first glance, the difference between the wires is the size, some have 50 см другие 100см или даже больше. Но проблема не в этом. It can then appear, when you try to charge their smartphone.

Known case when using Chinese wire, smartphone from zero to 88% He has been charged as much as 12 hours and at that point and stopped, that is, he was not able to charge it up 100%. At the same time owner of the smartphone first decided that this smart phone problem, однако отдолжив у колеги оригинальный провод смог зарядить смартфон за 3 o'clock.

Thereafter, it is carried checked by measuring the charging voltage, and the puzzle solves itself. Since the original wire from ZTE, length 60 cm, The applied voltage 4,6 в – т. it is. cable resistance was relatively small. В свою очередь китайская штамповка выдавала напряжение на уровне 1,9в. Сопротивление кабеля было настолько большое что телефон практически не мог толком зарядится.

The moral of this story is quite simple. Enough to buy a good quality cable for a few dollars to be able to loose charge your smartphone from your computer, ноутбука или зарядного устройства. Also, be aware, which is not always the higher price means better quality. Now you know that if your phone is charging unreasonably long, the problem lies in the new cable, to be replaced.

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