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How to choose the electric bike?

To choose the best electric bike, you need to think, how you want to use it and what you do most often. Some models are suitable for city driving for short distances, the other for driving on rough terrain for a whole day.

Of course, there is no universal electric bicycles. That is why the manufacturers have prepared special offers for its customers. So the market you can find from the lungs folding models, which can be taken literally everywhere, до походных моделей.

In the market there are electric bicycles for all occasions. Все они оснащены электрическим двигателем мощностью от 250 ВТ и вместительным аккумулятором, which when fully charged will allow you to go from 30 to 80 км в зависимости от объема аккумулятора и темпа езды. Of course, battery can be very easily removed, eg for charging at home or in the workplace, these electric bike отличается от электроавтомобиля, if the latter is necessary to sum up the wiring for charging directly to the parking lot. tiered support system allows you to feel the pleasure of driving, and control is performed directly on the steering wheel.

Folding models

Самыми маленькими и компактными городскими моделями являются складные электровелосипеды. Their weight is less than 23 kilogram. Very quickly it adds up to about the size of: 90x70x40 cm, while built electric bike will fit in any trunk. You can take it on a trip out of town and need to store it in a folded state in the mosaic. Foldable models often have the engine mounted in the rear hub and an electrical control mounted on a wheel.

All bikes are equipped with a special function, enabling to start moving without pedals and drive at a speed 6 kmh. On the control panel there are lights on and off buttons (based on light-emitting diodes).

For greater comfort of using folding models have a luggage compartment, Some models also have a front shock absorber.

city ​​models

Urban model electric bicycles are modeled on a conventional bicycle Dutch, very popular in recent years in our country. Они идеально подходят как для отдыха в выходные дни, and commuting. Despite, that is heavier than a conventional bicycle, благодаря электродвигателю это компенсируется в полном объеме.

Движение с включенным двигателем очень плавное и легкое. Electric bicycles need a few spins pedal, to accelerate to speed 25 kmh, while helping the bike to practice, the user does not make a great effort. The main advantages of these bicycles relates friendliness (you can ride without problems, even in a suit) and ease of use.

Pohodnыe models

Derived model preferred by lovers of cycling, is to overcome the long-distance, often multiday. Нередко такие модели имеют 28″ колеса, and rich equipment useful for multi-day trips on the bike.

Of course, these bikes are equipped with an electric motor and lightweight lithium-ion battery. Этот набор позволяет проехать с включенным двигателем на асфальте даже более 80 km(provided assistance pedals)! It is a good daily distance for cycling enthusiasts, at the same time you can charge the battery during the night in a hotel.

mining model

Electric bicycles are the most extreme mountain. На выбор пользователя представлены модели с 26″, 27,5″ и 29″ колесами. Ideal for forest paths or in mountainous terrain. Для управления работой двигателя используется усовершенствованная панель, besides displaying basic information regarding the battery charge, it displays the speed, with which you move.

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