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How to prepare for the New Year holidays? Planning the New Year in advance

Как приготовить к Новогодним праздникам

Very often, preparations for the New Year holidays are postponed until the last minute.. Unfortunately, it is not the best solution. Clean up in a hurry, shop, cook pastries and other treats, думаем о подарках и новогоднем гардеробе – не лучший вариант. Not to miss anything, no matter how scary it may seem, начинать готовиться к следующему Новому Году… сразу после предыдущего. Not, I am not kidding! It really makes preparing for the holidays a lot easier., and, in addition, makes them more interesting. so, ahead of the easiest calendar of New Year's preparations. Required time: 365 days!

New Year's Eve Calendar

Immediately after New Year's Eve (January February) write down, what worked, and what does not. Collect Christmas Decorations, if something is broken or something is missing, buy it now, during the January sales. In some cases, you can also buy… Christmas gifts for next year at a discount..

Six months before the New Year, make a final plan. What are you going to do? Who is coming and for how long?? Or maybe, you are going to spend holidays in warm countries? It's time to settle all the details.

October is the perfect time to plan your New Year's Eve routine.. Конец октября – лучшее время, to add all events to your calendar, to be completed before the New Year.

Ноябрь – время снимать галочки с задач из списка. A detailed list of tasks for each month can be found below., and here are just a few examples, such as buying gifts, making gingerbread dough and writing New Year cards, look popular happy new year greetings 2022.

Декабрь – время самых важных новогодних приготовлений. the, what could not be done before, doing right now. Such tasks, as home decoration, christmas tree decoration, New Year's cleaning, must be done in december.

Подробный пошаговый календарь подготовки к Новому Году – как спланировать праздники?

I divided the preparations into actions, that can be done before (eg, in October or November), and this, to leave for december. Thanks to this, you can customize the schedule to suit your needs.. Of course, chart is very extensive., I don't do all this. But I understand, that the more activities I write here, the more readers will be able to use this holiday calendar. so, proceed.

How to plan the New Year? October Holiday Preparations Calendar / November.

Council! If you want to, so that the atmosphere of the holiday reigned now, you can decorate the house: put up a Christmas tree and light a Christmas candle. According to research, people who used to install Christmas tree decorations feel happier. It's worth checking it out for yourself..

How to plan the New Year, if guests come? October Holiday Preparations Calendar / November.

If you are hosting family or friends for the holidays, you have additional tasks, that need to be addressed. Но не волнуйтесь – если вы все сделаете вовремя, even a dozen extra people at New Year's Eve dinner will not cause you problems.

December New Year's Eve Calendar

Many activities can be done ahead of time, related to the organization of the New Year, but something needs to be left for december. If you managed to complete the tasks from the list above, it is perfectly! but, if something went wrong, just move the unfinished business to december.

How to Prepare for the New Year? 31 December

When the New Year comes, OK, when the vast majority of tasks on your list are completed. It is difficult to feel the pleasant festive atmosphere, when you run around with a mop in a panic. Planning will help you enjoy the holidays to the fullest, even if you have to do most of the preparation yourself.

How are you preparing for the New Year?? Share in the comments.

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