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How to choose a domain name for your site?

When we decided on the theme of our new site, we need to come up with a name for it. A domain name - the name, according to which any person could find our site, введя его в адресную строку браузера. Buy a domain at

How to choose a domain name

A good domain name:

  • A short (
  • It does not contain complex words.
  • It is not too much dash and numbers (wrong:

Domain name or domain name should not be too long, about six - seven characters, which can be easily remembered by ear. Ask the opinion of relatives, relatives, friends, so you can learn fair presentation.

Just like our domain needs to match our theme, that is, entering a domain name, eg, we can assume that it is a social network of classmates, или такой домен как – мы понимаем что сайт предоставляет почту и берет на это акцент. So in our case, if a site about mountain eagles, it is not logical to call him .

The closer you pick the name of a topic, you will increase the chances of high attendance, which is very important. This was a lot of talk in different ways, but that, что поисковики относятся положительно к такому подходу – это факт!

If you are planning to create a website for English-speaking users, you'll like domain .ru zone. Note, that Yandex loves domains in .ru zone . If you want to make a multilingual project, you'd better register the domain in such zones as .com , . net , . org and so on. Such domain names more supportive of Google.

Brand in the domain

It is a good idea, include your brand name in your domain name, если оно известно и ценится клиентами в реальном мире. Когерентное изображение создается с использованием того же бренда – размещение его в URL-адресе вашего сайта – отличная идея.

Where to get - to register a domain?

Domains are the second level, such species as, and the third level, such as dir. . Domains of the second and third level recorded a special company - Domain Registrars, eg second, usually, register third-level domains for free. If you are creating a website for commercial use, you will approach the second level domain, as the second-level domains ironed more respectable in the eyes of users, and in the eyes of search engines, what is not less important. And eat you create a online business card, forum or chat, something amiss here, and third-level domain.

Council! Not registriruyte free domain name
simply because, what it free. It should also be remembered, that the registered domain name then you can not change it.

Adhering to these rules do not fancy you will not be difficult to correctly pick the right domain for your website. Once you have registered a domain, it's time to move on to creating a site.

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