IT News

How to select parameters and the type of expanded polystyrene

the foam-1

The difference between the grades of foam available in the domestic market mainly relate to the most important of its characteristics, thermal conductivity coefficient ?(lambda), whose value ranges from 0,044 to 0,031 W / mK. The smaller the value of the coefficient ?, the better the insulating properties of a foam.

Are also important, and other characteristics of the foam, such as:

From the standpoint of insulation polystyrene plates differences may even reach a 40% between individual foam grades. the main thing, to the choice of the type of material you are guided mainly by its use of place. Many customers before buy a heater задают вопросы “Как утеплить дом?” или “Какой толщины должно быть утепление дома?”. Многие компании в названиях продукта указывают их целевое применение в отдельных частях здания, such as facade, roof, floor and basement. So it becomes clear to you, a foam selected to insulate your home or facade. In each of these sentences, foam exists in several embodiments, insulating and mechanical properties.

Before performing the thermal insulation or soundproofing( in the case of the floor to the ceiling), you should refer to the designer or architect to carry out the plan of the building insulation. Then you will be sure, that applied the correct foam in the right place, and the house was properly insulated.

When choosing a foam, также как и других строительных материалов, As a rule, you are guided by the knowledge of the brand, or rely on the selection of the architect. Компания ФТК имеет очень хороший интернет-магазин, где представители компании проконсультируют вас и помогут в выполнении заказа необходимых материалов. Learn more about the foam you can with video to this article.

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