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How to determine the color of the keys 1C: Basic information

1C system used today virtually all enterprises. However, it happens, programs that users can lose their information, either they do not have information about individual hardware keys to protect their information in the database 1C. Thanks to the marking and color key, it is possible to find out the type of protection key and inherent characteristics. Reviewing the description below will help you understand the keys for all versions 1C 8.

The main varieties and colors 1C keys

Синим оттенком обозначается однопользовательский пользовательский ключ HASP HL Basic – это наиболее простой вариант из всех встречающихся, he does not have the settings of internal memory and an individual code. Красным ключом является сетевой ключ 1С – HASP HL Net. Data is stored in its internal memory the number of available licenses, their number is convenient to recognize and outer labeling, printed on the key.

Key HASP HL ​​Pro differs in purple, a 32-bit server 1C to the internal memory, and ID. Its built-in memory on the fact there is no data about supported licenses. finally, keys 1C green hue HASP HL ​​Max - is a 64-bit server, it also, by analogy has its own identity and internal memory, but there is no data about licenses.

Features listed security key database

It is worth noting some of the details of marking, relating to the protection key consideration 1C. The first line - is the main information about a key (it can be either H4 Hasp4), as well as its license parameters:

The next line - it is the type designation code of the customer hardware dongle. There is a program for 2 the main differences:

Samples of marking on the key database protection

It is useful to consider several ready-marking templates. Take a simple local key - it will be marking H4 M1, ORGL8. If we talk about the server 1C, то вариант – HASP4 M1, Anshri8. finally, у многопользовательского ключа для аппаратной защиты обозначение может быть следующим – HASP4 Net5, ORGL8, here we consider an example with 5 licenses.

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