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How to buy high quality tires at a price of budget options

Как купить резину высокого качества по цене бюджетного варианта

Совсем скоро настанет “горячая пора” для автовладельцев, ведь с первой капелью придет время “переобувать” каждый автомобиль. Winter tires, which proved to be excellent in the cold season, cease to cope with its mission. She will be replaced by bus, intended for use in the warmer months.

BUT, may be, vsesezonka?

this issue, probably, I wondered every car owner, who came to shop for new tires and having seen their cost. It would seem that, What could be simpler: enough to spend money once and you can safely ride all year until, until the tire comes into disrepair. In fact, all-season tires is permissible to use only in countries, where the winter the air temperature drops below zero degrees. In the middle band conditions such tires behave on the roads are not very confident, and in extreme cold and rainy weather may even threaten the safety of the driver and his passengers.

Conclusion, which can be made, It does not sound very positive, but if you do not want to endanger the lives of their passengers, то придется два раза в год заезжать в ближайший шиномонтаж и “переобуваться”. На специализированных сайтах в интернете можно more узнать об особенностях всесезонки.

What tires to choose

Despite the variety of rubber, available on the market and in the shops, the entire range can be divided into three types. The first type includes bus, intended for use on hard road surfaces. A rubber selected motorists, who regularly travel on paved roads.

The second type of tire designed for drivers, preferring to ride on the road. The third group of tires is a compromise and for those, who combines the asphalt road and ride in the country.

where to buy?

Все чаще водители хотят купить летние шины б/у, which can be ordered on the Internet here. Качественные шины бу, imported from Germany, Italy and other European countries, characterized by a low degree of wear. Такая резина бу премиального качества продается здесь по ценам аналогичным цене на бюджетные отечественные покрышки. all, who wants to buy summer tires in Kiev, bu, be trusted only to trusted sellers. It is very important, to tires properly stored and transported. In companies, valuing its reputation, At this point, given priority.

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