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iPhone XS Max против Samsung Galaxy Note 9

We decided to buy a flagship smartphone? We recommend paying attention to the powerful and expensive devices: Samsung Galaxy Note 9 and iPhone XS Max. But which one is the better buy? В этой статье команда ИнтерТеам проводит батл – iphone xs max против note 9. Since this flagship device, then will their requirements increased.

iPhone XS Max против Samsung Galaxy Note 9


iPhone XS Max has a recognizable appearance. Apple chose the path of evolution, so the new model introduces only minor stylistic changes. This can not fail to please the supporters of the company. Rear cover glass coated, the edges are made of aluminum. The camera protrudes slightly, on top of the screen, as is customary, находится характерный отступ или так называемая “чёлочка”.

see also: Comparison of the new Apple smartphone: iPhone Xs, iPhone Xs Max и iPhone Xr

Samsung Galaxy Note 9 I received a unique design. As in the previous case, the rear and front sides are covered with glass, but the display is slightly curved at the edges. It draws attention to the fact, that the device, despite the rounded edge of the screen, very angular. camera Lenses (their two) located not far from the fingerprint scanner, therefore there is a high probability, that they often have to be cleaned before shooting.

From an aesthetic point of view it is difficult to decide which device is superior to competitor. Both provide the same good impression. Преимуществом Samsung может быть разве что отсутствие челочки. В раунде внешнего вида смартфонов никто не побеждает.


Здесь очень трудно будет определить победителя. Оба устройства имеют две различные операционные системы, Consequently, по-разному работают. Нельзя сравнивать эти устройства только по комплектующим. Но так как это схватка гигантов, InterTeam team tried to do it.

Powerful Galaxy Note 9 It has eight-processor Samsung Exynos 9810 with a clock speed 2,7 Ггц и графическое ядро ARM Mali-G72 MP18. Устройство выпускается в версиях с 6 or 8 GB RAM, and for the user files allocated 128 or 512 GB. В свою очередь Apple iPhone XS Max имеет шестиядерный процессор Apple A12, It is available as a 64, 128, and 512 GB of memory for storing files.

Although the iPhone synthetic benchmarks and achieve better results, Both phones work equally well. In other words, in everyday use, the user will not notice a significant difference, but the winner here is still there, this iPhone.


In the case of Samsung screen has a diagonal 6,4 inches and resolution 1440 on 2960 pixels. Плотность пикселей на дюйм составляет здесь 514 ppi. Новейший iPhone имеет слегка больший экран – 6,46 inches and at the level of resolution 1242 on 2688 pixels with density 458 ppi. Judging by the dry figures display the Samsung slightly better.

Несмотря на небольшое превосходство в пикселях Samsung над iPhone, screens of both models appear equally well. In the first case, it is Super AMOLED, and in the second Retina OLED. The minimum and maximum brightness on both devices ideal, as well as color transfer. Black color is very deep and rich. In this round, it is very difficult to determine the winner.


В обеих устройствах камеры очень похожи друг на друга. На их задней части находятся по два объектива с разрешением 12 Mn. Матрицы iPhone имеют диафрагмы со значением f/1.8 и f/2.4, while the Samsung has a first f / 1.5-2.4, and the second f / 2.4.

In the afternoon, both devices show equally good results. Ночью же или в сумерках выигрывает Samsung, так как iPhone XS Max делает очень темные фотографии. В этом раунде побеждает Samsung.


Here, Unfortunately, разницу можно заметить невооруженным глазом – iPhone XS Max имеет батарею объемом 3180 match, а Samsung Galaxy Note 9 4000 match. Also worth noting, that in spite of the larger volume of the battery, Samsung быстрее заряжается, as the standard Apple hardware does not provide fast charging.

Despite the amount of battery life and charging time in this round there is no winner, since both devices have enough charge for a full day. If Samsung is a merit, basically, capacious battery, and in the case of the iPhone an excellent optimization of the operating system, which is famous for Apple.

The convenience of use

Of course, Note 9 It has one big feature, которая выделяет его на фоне конкурентов – это S Pen. Небольшой стилус позволяет довольно комфортно пользоваться смартфоном, pressing the button it is possible to take pictures, flipping photos and more.

Both models support a stereo and NFC, that there should be no surprise to anyone. As it has been said before, в стандартную комплектацию к оборудованию Apple не входит зарядное устройство с функцией быстрой зарядки. Taking into account the presence of the stylus, this round wins Samsung.


Здесь ситуация довольно сложная. Samsung Galaxy Note 9 can be bought for about 1052 $, And if you search well, even that can be found at 53 $ cheaper. Дешевый iPhone XS Max, t. it is. with 64 GB of internal memory, can buy this link for 1150 $, it will be necessary for more than a bulk memory to pay about 200 $, version 512 GB costs about 1350 $.

The analysis shows, Samsung that each year raises the price of their devices, but not lifts the bar to the level of Apple. Also worth noting, the equipment with bitten apple logo is much slower cheaper after market premiere. Two positive aspects you can observe:


Although iPhone XS Max lost in most rounds, it can not be written off. Of course, Note 9 cheaper and offers a lot of chips, но зато устройство Apple имеет уникальное программное обеспечение, which provides the highest usage comfort. In other words, в сухом остатке мы имеем победителя в лице Samsung Galaxy Note 9, Of course, many readers of the portal InterTeam not agree with the conclusions of the editorial board, if you are among them,, You can lead their arguments in the comments to this article.

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