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iOS 11 – какие устройства получат обновление?

Apple has published a list of smartphones and tablets, owners are able to use 11 версией операционной системы. Обновление появится осенью.

One of the key innovations, presented during the opening of the WWDC 2017 It was, without a doubt, iOS 11. Не задумывались, на какие устройства Apple поступит новая версия системы? We decided to find out about it.

Вопрос обновления Apple iOS, as it turned out, It is no secret. Therefore, the manufacturer willingly told us about it. Также стоит отметить что на самой конференции WWDC 2017 затрагивалась частично эта тема в контексте сравнения с Android 7.

Apple its demarche at the conference decided to shame Google, но она лукавит ведь Android используют многочисленные компании, and which inhibit constantly with updates, so it is the last to blame. It is worth noting that Android uses a large number of users, а сможет ли iOS 11 to achieve similar results, this question.

As it turned out a list of devices, which will be updated very large, as it goes on smartphone iPhone 5S and all later models. The final version of the operating system to appear in the autumn, most likely with the new iPhone-s.

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