IT News

Intel нашла решение для блокировки атак Meltdown и Spectre – теперь должно защищать как следует

Intel's new patch has been tested on the platforms Skylake, Kaby Lake и Coffee Lake. В очереди ожидают старые платформы.

It is not necessary to hide that the beginning of the year, Intel brought a lot of trouble, все из-за уязвимости процессоров к атакам Meltdown и Spectre. true, in late January the manufacturer has provided the appropriate amendment, but it was unfinished, and had to suspend its distribution. Now, the company has released a new patch, which the, probably it will work as it should.

"The last few weeks we have been working and tested fixed microcode, чтобы уберечь клиентов Intel от обнаруженных Google Project Zero угроз. Последняя поправка на атаки Spectre прошла широкие испытания, проводимые клиентами и партнерами по отрасли” ,- I wrote in a blog Navin Shenoy), Vice President of Data Center Group, Intel.

The manufacturer has prepared a microcode update for the platforms with Core:

At the same time it became known, that work is underway on older platforms, in particular, Core:

Schedule diffusion of relevant patches for different processors is specified in this document:, green designated platform for which a patch is ready.

Распространением исправлений займутся производители материнских плат – они будут реализованы в новых версиях BIOS, therefore, for reference should visit the website of your manufacturer motherboard. Will hope, that affect update in the near future and also older platforms, of which the manufacturer is not so willing to take care of both new.

Подробнее об атаках Meltdown и Spectre можно узнать в следующем видео. Enjoy watching.

Уязвимость в процессорах Intel (и AMD, и ARM). Meltdown и Spectre

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