The scale of people's dependence on consumer electronics and constant access to information is growing every day.. Many people just wake up and start their smartphone, a tablet or laptop and checks “what is heard in the big world”. What, if you solve it in another way, do something more useful and, simultaneously, stay informed? With this idea came the creators of iMirror.
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Imagine the situation, that after the morning shower, looking at myself in the mirror, you can see not only your reflection, as well as the weather forecast for today, world News, and even read mail and messages from social networks. If only a Posh smart mirror ever sees the light of day, this will be possible, you can check what is happening with your friends and at the same time brush your teeth or comb your hair.
Product presented by the Canadian company Posh, it is an interactive reflective surface. Словом – iMirror выглядит как зеркало, in reality, multi-touch display. By connecting it to your home WiFi network, users can download various widgets, as well as full-featured applications. Basically, we're dealing with something like a giant tablet, wall-mounted (in which we recall, we can also admire ourselves beautiful / beautiful).
The iMirror display also features a webcam and built-in facial recognition software. This allows all members of your family to customize the surface to suit their needs.. It is not known, exactly how many faces can iMirror save, we suppose, что определение производителя – „много” – предусматривает, at least, number of classic family.
While iMirror is still in prototype stage. Opera has launched, but already a campaign on the Kickstarter platform. Users will receive their copies, которые поддержат проект на сумму… 2750 dollars. The price should not, surprise, Considering, what do we buy giant tablet.
Below you can see, what it looks like at the moment: