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Thanks to the game Pokemon Go, Nintendo is worth more than Sony

Благодаря игре Покемон Го компания Nintendo стоит больше чем Sony

Who would have thought, that such a simple game in essence allow the company to Nintendo so much to rise in price.

crowds (and not only) young men roam the city in search of Pokemon. game Pokemon GO now stop and Nintendo certainly has nothing against it. Why? Because, Bloomberg reported the total value of Nintendo became more than the Sony.

As it turns out, Nintendo Company took only two days (after the release of the game Pokemon GO), to the market value of Nintendo rose 7,5 billion. many, is not it? And that was only the beginning. It turns out, that now the company is already almost 40 billions of dollars, while Sony - in 38,5 billion.

Game Pokemon GO allowed Nintendo also beat the absolute record of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. For all the time there was no other company, that during the day to boast such a large increase in the cost of. It is also worth noting that it surpassed Tokyo Electric and Softbank.

Nintendo is on the wave and well, так как ей это идет лишь в пользу. Recall that, that Nintendo is the company in recent years has also made two premieres: консоли NX и игры The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

But on Pokemon Go зарабатывает не только Nintendo. It turns out, that auctions can be found accounts with numerous collections, Merchants who sell for a few hundred dollars. Market flourishes as "professional trainers", who can catch them all for vas.Tolko what's the point? Unclear.

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