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Huawei P8 Lite proved to hit the bull's eye

Huawei P8 Lite оказался попаданием в яблочко

Huawei P8 Lite proved to hit the bull's eye

Huawei в последнее время настолько быстро обновляет модельный ряд, it is difficult to identify one specific, the coolest smartphone in the range of this manufacturer. Given the choices customers worldwide, we can conclude, it is Huawei P8 Lite.

Due to open by the manufacturer data, we learned, that this model was sent to stores, the number of which exceeds 16 million copies of. We do not know, how much of it is sold to the end, but clearly that the number of millionik. Especially, that this model is still in authority to buyers.

What attracts them? Probably, pleasing to the eye design and a pretty good spec, which it managed to tie with a pretty good price. If you want to know about the smartphone for something more, Welcome to our overview.

At the same time there were also other data. It turns out, that the entire series has sold P8 16 million copies of, and here we are talking about the final sale. It looks like this, that Huawei P8 Lite rises not only over the Huawei P8 Max, but even on the Huawei P8. Even, probably, It sells better, than the other two, taken together.

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