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Honor 8 Pro уже в ЕС – в варианте с 6 GB RAM

Honor 8 Pro уже в ЕС - в варианте с 6 ГБ оперативной памяти

Спецификация Honor 8 Pro может порадовать даже самого требовательного пользователя. As far as the smartphone was estimated at this time?

In February, it was presented to the smartphone Honor V9. Initially, there were fears, что его будут продавать только в Китае, but quickly found out, he also gets to Europe, только под измененным названием – Honor 8 Pro. The premiere was planned for early April, and it seems that the EU is going to stores not to miss time and provide it to their customers.

Самые предусмотрительные магазины уже имеют в своем ассортименте Honor 8 Pro. What is the price? 645 US $. This is a fairly large sum, but it is necessary to add, that the proposed option has 6 GB RAM + storage device 64 GB. Besides, manufacturer also produced variants 4 GB RAM + storage device 64 GB i 6 GB RAM + storage device 128 GB.

Information about memory resources show, that we are dealing with a model of higher price category. And there is, because the rest of the specification, of course not far behind. Honor 8 Pro оснащен большим экраном с разрешением 1440 x 2560 pixels, восьмиядерным процессором HiSilicon Kirin 960 и двойной камерой – 2x-12 Мп (RGB + mono).

Техническая спецификация Honor 8 Pro:

When he appears in Ukraine? It is not yet known, but it seems to us is not long to wait.

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