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GTA V has brought profits 3 billion dollars in revenue, а GTA Online – 0,5 billion.

To say that Grand Theft Auto V and GTA Online for Rockstar and Take Two gold mine, it still does not say anything.

game in Grand Theft Auto Online does not require any additional costs, but due to the micropayments system allows to improve design. It turns out, that additional "investments" are in great demand among the players - the latest report makes it clear that the company has received from them 500 millions of dollars in revenue.

It's an incredible amount of. Especially if we remember, that the team 343 Industries boasted recently, that micropayments in Halo 5: Guardians brought half a million dollars in revenue.

From Take Two released some time ago, the report should, что сама игра Grand Theft Auto V – была куплена уже более 60 million times. The document mentioned previously listed and other figures. According to the information contained therein, producer and publisher of the fifth part GTA earned about one 3 billion.

The numbers are impressive, but unfortunately also associated with less positive news. Popularity micropayments in GTA Online makes it clear, that likely, игрокам не стоит рассчитывать в ближайшее время на появление DLC…

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