Google – поисковая система, которая способна удивить|Video

Google – search system, которая способна удивить

The Google search engine filled with all sorts of gags, которые вносят радость в процесс поиска интересующей нас информации.

People, working on the development of Google They have - three qualities - A) too much time, B) head full of interesting ideas, and B) both. Where are such conclusions from? Well, thence, that the most popular search system in the world is filled with "jokes".

Enter in Google "Google gravity" and click "I'm Feeling Lucky!”, и гравитация перестанет работать. Type "Zerg races", и у вас не будет закрываться сайт в течение следующих нескольких минут. Enter "Super Mario Bros." and collect coins… приколов этого рода, of course, a lot more, which is very well summed CHM Tech on YouTube. Look at two of the team prepared video:

And you know some tricks, hidden in the Google search engine? If yes, be sure to share them in the comments.

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