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Gyroboard - what is it and how to use it?

Гироборд – что это и как им пользоваться?

Girobord choose all those, who are looking for original and modern solutions for mobility in urban environments. Who among urban residents do not get stuck in traffic jams? probably many. In such circumstances, you can easily get out of the car and get on girobord hurry for a business meeting, and your driver at this time and can stand up in a traffic jam, the main thing that you arrive on time and maintained a reputation for punctual partner. А благодаря тому что гаджет не имеет рулевого колеса, pedals, tank, headlights and other parts, которые есть у минискутеров – поместится в багажник даже самого маленького автомобиля. After reading this article to the end you get to know closer girobordom.

Girobord - what is it?

Гироборд в последние месяцы бьет рекорды популярности. This product is very innovative and unique, small and has only two wheels. Сначала появился на американском рынке, later also began to conquer Europe, although the vast majority of models and produced in China. Moving the vehicle is possible thanks to the work of many electronic components and gyroscopes, подробнее о этом вы можете прочесть в интернет магазине Giro Tech.

The movement girobord lead special mechanisms controlled by microcomputer - after the user has become a foot on it, microcomputer detects a change in the slope and run independently and regulates the method of travel. In this way, possible to control both the direction and speed.


In the network from time to time there are reviews saying, что гироборды совершенно непрактичные. And in fact, you can think about, is whether this wave of popularity the result of the impact of advertising? But if that were the case, the popularity in the US began to subside but this does not happen. It occupies little space, and therefore it is easy to store. Besides, it is possible to go with a fairly high speed, comparable to a brisk pace, so it is quite safe.

Обучение вождению на гироборде очень простое – освоение плавного перемещения на нем занимает обычно не больше чем несколько дней. But this does not mean that driving on it you can afford the raven considered, must be careful, in fact since both fall may occur in the case of skateboards.

Girobord looks of relief, современно и является инновационным – в самый раз для подарка. So if your child has a birthday soon, make him such a gift, certainly, It brings a lot of fun.


The main drawback, на который указывают его противники являются небольшие колеса, они позволяют передвигаться только на плоских и асфальтированных поверхностях. Using based, in which there are numerous cracks, eg, Paving tile, It can lead to loss of balance. But opponents forget, it is ideal for a ride in the parks, sites and other places, предназначенных для любителей езды на роликах и скейтах как и велосипедных дорожках.

Какой гироборд выбрать?

На украинском рынке можно найти очень большое количество производителей, so with a variety of no problems, They have a choice. First question, to which you should pay attention, связан с параметрами, i.e:

there are models, which are accelerated to 40 kmh, so you need to think about, whether or not to buy such a child. Also important is the size of the wheels - large, дадут возможность въезжать на бордюры и немного большую стабильность во время езды по неровной поверхности. Еще одним важным вопросом является вес – если вы не имеете большого роста и веса, then girobord better to choose a small size and weight.

The last question concerns the design - because everyone wants, his girobord looked really stylish! In this case, it is worth paying attention to such additions, as a wheel or platform lights. Of course, many buyers choosing girobord, pay attention to the model sold in Chinese stores, where you can find more variety, но они забывают что с одной стороны они видят на картинке лишь красивую модель но не могут удостоверится в наличии качества, and on the other, украинский интернет-магазин Giro Tech предоставляет официальную гарантию что намного важнее.

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