IT News

Where are the best programmers

Где живут самые лучшие программисты

Social Platform HackerRank, на котором “тусуются” программисты со всего мира, was rated countries with the most talented programmers. The leaders turned out to China, and Ukraine is located at 11 th place.

To compile rankings on HackerRank been proposed task, related algorithms, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data structures, the Java programming language, Python, C++, Ruby et al. For the decision to each of the countries of the proposed tasks to earn points. Chinese engineers were the best mathematicians, and also won in functional programming and solving problems in data structures.

As for the score, the list of the top five countries as follows:

Ukraine is located at 11 th place (88,7 points), Germany - 14-m (84,3), US - on the 28th (78) and Britain - of 29 m (77,7).

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