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Gas chromatographs from Pia for widespread use

gas chromatographsGas chromatographs are used quite widely. pharmaceutics, steel mills, energetics, petrochemical industry - are just a few areas, where they are used. Very active chromatographs are utilized to track status, in which the environment. We recommend to buy gas chromatographs on internet site with good functionality (for example, GC8000). Each isothermal oven of these devices has its own configuration. Together, they allow you to perform many tasks.

Functional gas chromatographs

Functional, which is equipped with gas chromatographs modern models, very wide. It includes a number of functions, related to the diagnosis and management. Extremely useful is the automatic calibration. Another chromatographs are capable of performing self-own parameters and systems. They integrated software package Virtual Tech, задача которого – профилактическая диагностика. Once the values ​​of controlled characteristics grow or fall to critical limits, gas chromatographs produce data archiving. Then they send the data and alarm signal to the control, located in the maintenance section.

Chromatographs GC8000 include three isothermal furnace, applied to, to perform analysis of gas mixtures. In these devices the modular layout of the principle of. In other words, These gas chromatographs divided into sections. Each has features and options, associated with a particular module. This design contributes to more efficient work.

Maintain and monitor virtual chromatographs (each of the furnaces can be considered exactly) quite easy, because it is possible to work with each separately. The modular structure is convenient to operate in parallel to address various problems. Format, used to, to output data, easy to understand. Additional convenience is, chromatographs that are equipped with color screens, such as "touch screen".

The list of equipment, which are equipped with gas chromatographs, includes thermal conductivity sensor (TCD). Its sensitivity is very high. Thanks to her, available measurements of even small concentrations of the gases being measured. Generate a report and perform specific calculations for the machine is not a problem. Users just need to configure the software scripts.

The company The device Impex Automation has a website, where you can buy gas chromatographs at a good price.

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