IT News

Galaxy Note 7 on photos

Galaxy Note 7 It will be presented, probably, in a month. Already we talked a lot about it specification, теперь пришло время познакомиться и с внешним видом устройства.

true, already have a photo, allegedly depicting Galaxy Note 7, but they were not of the highest quality. This time it's different, and, Besides, latest image obtained from a very reliable source. He published them in Twitter @evleaks . В соответствии с прогнозами видно большое сходство с линейкой Galaxy S. attention is drawn, undoubtedly, curved screen, о появления которого мы уже писали некоторое время назад. manufacturer's logo brought to the screen, fingerprint reader beneath it. На задней панели располагается за логотипом самого устройства, probably, slightly protruding camera lens.

@evleaks published a photo which shows 3 color version. However, it is not excluded, that ultimately there will be more. How do you like the design of Galaxy Note 7?

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