Ford and Volkswagen will create a joint model|Automotive

Ford and Volkswagen will create a joint model

Volkswagen AG и Ford Motor Company заключили партнерское соглашение. Мы уже знаем подробности контракта.

Ford and Volkswagen will create a joint model

Agreement on cooperation between Volkswagen and Ford aims to increase the competitiveness of both brands and create a more attractive offer to customers.

New pickup trucks and vans

Chairman of the Board of both companies - Mr. Herbert Diess (Volkswagen Group) Jim Hackett (Ford) - confirmed, что первым делом в рамках сотрудничества будет произведена разработка грузового и грузопассажирского автомобилей (medium model), which will be released on the global market 2022 year.

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Both manufacturers are counting, that through cooperation can achieve the best sales results in the production of vans and utility vehicles starting with 2023 of the year.

Moreover, Volkswagen и Ford подписали соглашение о намерениях, which should identify the potential for increased cooperation, in particular with regard to electric vehicles and services.

The first model in the 2022 year

On the basis of the signed agreements and declarations of intent between Volkswagen and Ford will work together on other types of vehicles. Над деталями в скором времени должны начать работу группы экспертов с обеих сторон. На данный момент известно, that Ford will develop a pickup, which appears about to 2022 year, and Volkswagen will develop the project of a new city van.

As Ford and Volkswagen, имеют богатый опыт в области грузопассажирского и легкого коммерческого транспорта. Предлагают на рынке такие известные модели, as the Transit and Ranger (Ford) and Transporter, Caddy и Amarok (Volkswagen).

Last year, both companies sold the world 1,2 million. легковых автомобилей и микроавтобусов. Заключенное соглашение объединяет двух очень крупных игрока в этих сегментах рынка.

According to current projections, в ближайшие пять лет мировой спрос на среднего размера пикапы и микроавтобусы будет постоянно расти. Сотрудничество Volkswagen и Ford позволит:

  • distribute the costs for engineering;
  • optimize the use of production capacity of both companies;
  • increase the attractiveness of the car, and at the same time will maintain the unique features of both product brands.
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