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Флагманские смартфоны Nokia вероятно будут с экранами Quad HD

Nokia plans to attract the attention of demanding users. In this regard, the upcoming smartphones have to offer a lot of interesting components.

In a few weeks we will see the return of smart phones with the Nokia logo. But curiously not the, that this manufacturer still exists a lot of fans, которые с ностальгией вспоминают о нем – а то, что он подготавливает действительно отличные решения для своих новых смартфонов.

A few days ago we wrote about the model Nokia D1C, which should be a model will mean segment. In parallel with this, there were reports of two flagship modyaleh, which in recent days focused all messages coming from under heaven. В итоге на одном из Китайских блогов появились данные об их спецификации.

So it turned out that the two flagship models must be equipped with a AMOLED screen with a resolution Quad HD. Отличаться же они должны лишь диагональю – 5,2 and 5,5 inches respectively. The addition of the said specifications should, что они должны иметь один и тот же процессор – Snapdragon 820 and a metallic housing.

I'm sure, that the manufacturer uses to this latest operating system Google Android, which, incidentally, just before he himself confirmed. probably, we can expect version 7.0 Nougat with Nokia branded lining.

What do you expect from the upcoming champions favorite producer in the CIS? Do you expect a super offer at a reasonable price? Answers please leave in comments.

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